Minerva Ginecologica 71(5)

Adele Sparavigna, Alberto Caputo, Alice Natoli, ClaraMandelli

DERMING S.r.l., Clinical Research and Bioengineering Institute, Milan, Italy.


There is a growing interest on women’ sexual function improvement provided by topical vulvar application of Visnadine, a natural extractive substance with putative vasodilatory properties. Aims of this study were to evaluate: 1) the vasokinetic activity of a Visnadine Emulgel on mucosal genitalia of 15 healthy postmenopausal women clinically and by instrumental non-invasive analysis; 2) the treatment efficacy by volunteers’ judgment regarding to subjective comfort, pleasant warmth, lubrication grade, pinching and burning vulvar sensations. Methods: Fifteen informed healthy female volunteers with menopause were enrolled in the study, with a single blind controlled study versus placebo corresponding to one single application of the emulgel product (active or placebo) on external genitalia. Results: Visnadine Emulgel single application determined a significant increase of vulvar hyperemia, evaluated both clinically and instrumentally, accompanied by a significant increase of local turgor versus placebo. The volunteers reported a pleasant comfort sensation. Conclusions: The topical use of Visnadine on female external genitalia may increase regional vascularization affecting turgidity and sensorial threshold of the area of application.